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Calder Vale St John C of E Primary School

Grow, Achieve, Explore

Wonderful Work

Friday 11th December 2020

The children have really enjoyed writing their own shared story about Small Knight and George who met a very fearsome dragon. Why don't you have a look at our amazing story here. Mrs. Bowden was very impressed with all the fabulous vocabulary that the children wanted to use. They also kept reminding Mrs. Bowden to use full stops, capital letters, speech marks and exclamation marks! Hope you enjoy reading it. 

We have only been back in school for 2 days after the half term holiday, but already, we have learnt and taken part in lots of different activities from out funky fingers exercises to creating houses with our Lego, to learning about number bonds to 10 and ordering our numbers!

Our Busy Week

2D Shape Practise

Today we were practising recognising our 2D shapes by helping to build different pictures and images from the cards. Great concentration from everyone!
Look at all our work from this week - everything from watching our school being jet washed to amazing creations on Purple Mash!
In RE this week, we looked at how different countries celebrated their harvest festivals. We sampled different fruits from different countries. 