Calder Vale St John C of E Primary School
Grow, Achieve, Explore
We are SO proud of our recent inspection, which describes our school as transformational.
School Strengths
· The school community share a strong Christian vision. The values, known through this
vision, are fully understood and lived out. This impacts positively on both the development
of pupils and adults enabling them to thrive.
· Calder Vale St John’s is a community where all are encouraged to 'reach out’ to others with
kindness and compassion. This deeply embedded, nurturing ethos cultivates a happy,
inclusive environment at the school.
· Collective worship is a joyful part of the school day. Its inclusive approach offers relevant,
welcoming and invitational opportunities for worship and spiritual development.
· There is an active culture of justice where everyone takes responsibility for themselves and
others in their community. Advocacy is part of the 'fabric of the school'. As a result, Calder
Vale St John’s transforms lives.
· Religious Education (RE) is well-led and managed. Leaders have ensured that the curriculum
is carefully planned with many varied opportunities for pupils to develop their skills,
knowledge and understanding of a range of religions and worldviews.