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Calder Vale St John C of E Primary School

Grow, Achieve, Explore

Residential Trips

Unfortunately, the virus has prevented us undertaking any residential trips this year. We had planned to visit London with our upper junior pupils in summer but we were unable to go ahead. In normal circumstances we would offer an exciting residential trip opportunity to all our Year 5 and 6 pupils and we look forward to when we can begin planning our next one.


Our Year 5 and 6 pupils attended Borwick Hall for three days in June 2019. They had a wonderful time participating in a wide range of challenging team and individual activities which tested their physical skills as well as building their confidence.

“I really enjoyed being able to do new things with my friends.”

“The stories about Old Borwick hall were brilliant.”

“I never thought I could do the Tower of Borwick. It was so scary but I did it!”

“I loved canoeing even though our team weren’t very good at steering the boat.”

“The team challenges helped me to understand why we have to listen.”

Click through the pictures below to see how images form our wonderful and slightly crazy week!

Day Trip - Fell Foot Park Lake District 

Year 5&6 joined Scorton CofE Primary School on a day trip to Fell Foot Park. The first half of the day was spent kayaking on the lake, including games whilst in the kayak. They had to swap kayaks with each other without falling in!! Thankfully they all managed this. In the afternoon they completed an orienteering course within the grounds of Fell Foot Park, they needed to work as part as a team in order to complete the tasks successfully. A great day was had by all!!! 
