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Calder Vale St John C of E Primary School

Grow, Achieve, Explore

Our Church

Our Mothering Sunday Service_

On Friday 8th March we held a special service in church to celebrate all the special ladies in our lives who help take care of us. Bluebell Class shared beautiful portraits they had painted of their Mums and told us what makes them special. They also sang a song to everyone about all the helpful things they were going to do for their Mums to say thank you.

Willow class shared some interesting facts about Mothering Sunday. Did you know that Mothering Sunday is a day honouring mother churches, the church where one is baptised and becomes "a child of the church", celebrated since the Middle Ages in the United Kingdom, Ireland and some Commonwealth countries on the fourth Sunday in Lent?

The lovely ladies from church gave everyone a silk flower for us to give to special ladies at home and provided some delicious refreshments. Please see below for a prayer we said at the end of our service.

A Mother's Day prayer from the Church of England - #WorldsBestMum.mp4

Still image for this video

Our Thanksgiving Service for King Charles

We are in a period of interregnum at the moment as we await the appointment of a new incumbent to our parish, but our church and school communities are close knit and we join together and support each other in lots of different ways. We hold regular services in church during the week which our whole school community attends. The church congregation provide invaluable support with this - baking for us, providing refreshments, planting pots for Mothering Sunday gifts, amongst many other things.


St. John's Church is a fantastic curricular resource to have on our doorstep and we often visit as part of our RE lessons along with Art and History. 


If you have not already visited, we recommend you come and spend some time in this beautiful place of worship.
