Calder Vale St John C of E Primary School
Grow, Achieve, Explore
How do we promote British Values as a Federation?
In accordance with The Department for Education, we aim to actively promote British Values. Children learn through our teaching of Religious Education and PSHE as well as British Values being embedded into our whole school values and being threaded throughout our everyday interactions. We encourage children to be open-minded, compassionate and resilient individuals who show respect to themselves, each other and the wider community,
Our children are encouraged to share their voice and opinion in a respectful and productive way. The relationships between staff and children support children to share their ideas openly. Our KS2 school council is chosen by the pupils through an election and children are introduced to a democratic process such as using a ballot to vote or anonymous voting. Across school, voting is woven into daily practices such as voting whether or not to play outside in Afterschool Club or voting for a choice of class novel.
Rule of Law
Children in school understand the importance of laws and rules, whether they are rules that impact them as an individual, their class or the wider world. Children are taught to understand their impact on others as an individual and we have rewards in place such as Class Dojo, Head Teacher’s Awards and Star of the Week (or lead learner) to praise children for their individual efforts. As a class, children know they are a ‘team’ or ‘family’ and are encouraged to follow rules throughout the day and understand that different situations often require different rules. In PSHE lessons and across the curriculum, our children are taught about rules, responsibilities and duties of people around the world.
Alongside school rules, children are also encouraged to experience the rule of law in action. Our KS1 children enjoy forest school activities and show excellent understanding of safety rules whilst gathered around the campfire. Our LKS2 children take part in weekly swimming lessons and follow water safety rules – and learn new rules –56 as a part of their lessons; our UKS2 children take part in Bikeability which teaches them rules that support their independence, safety and autonomy when out on the road both on a bicycle and as a pedestrian.
Individual Liberty
We have lots of different lessons in school that encourage children to follow and find their interests and strengths. We encourage our children to take responsibility for their learning, be active learners and show off their strengths in every lesson. Children are given choices throughout the day with regards to their learning and play time and can express their individuality and creativity in subjects across the curriculum. Our PSHE curriculum enables children to learn about themselves and how to appreciate who they are whilst being respectful and considerate to those around them. Children learn how to express their own opinion and feelings whilst being active listeners to the people around them.
Respect and Tolerance
Our Christian Vision, ‘Reach Up, Reach in, Reach Out’ encourages us to be kind and compassionate to all people, regardless of their gender, religion, race or culture. Teaching across the curriculum encourages children to explore different cultures, faiths and beliefs and incorporates the importance of respect and understanding. We celebrate diversity across in everything we do. Our modules in myHappymind support us to think about how our own character can impact those around us and helps us to appreciate the differences that other people have.